Roasted Potatoes with Herbs de Provence Olive Oil
  1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Tip: You can put the baking sheet into the oven as it’s heating up. This is to ensure you’re not putting your potatoes on a cold sheet an.
  2. Slice the potatoes into small french fries, but not too small. Tip: You can make about 8 to 10 fries out of one medium-sized potato. Note: You want them to be big enough so you have a tender potato in the middle when you are done.
  3. Add your fries to a big bowl then toss and massage them with Herbs de Provence olive oil, Sel Gris sea salt, and freshly cracked black pepper.
  4. Pour the potatoes in single layer on the sheet pan. Put the sheet pan on the middle rack in the oven. Note: Remember to keep the bowl for later.
  5. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until potatoes are brown and starting to crisp on the outside and are tender on the inside.
  6. Remove from the oven and pour potatoes back into the bowl. Give them a toss with parmesan cheese. Serve immediately!